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Putin Concludes Trip to China, Emphasizes Strategic and Personal Ties with Xi Jinping

Putin Concludes Trip to China, Emphasizes Strategic and Personal Ties with Xi Jinping

Russian President Vladimir Putin wrapped up a two-day visit to China, highlighting the strengthening strategic ties and personal relationship between Russia and China. He praised the growth in bilateral trade while visiting the China-Russia Expo in Harbin, known for its defense research collaborations with the People’s Liberation Army.

During his visit, Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping spent nearly an entire day together in Beijing, discussing their partnership and shared global vision. Putin emphasized that their relationship is aimed at enhancing the development and well-being of both nations, not targeting any specific country. However, he subtly criticized U.S. influence, noting the emergence of a multipolar world.

The two leaders expressed their commitment to deepening their strategic partnership in a joint statement, which took aim at U.S. military alliances and policies. They pledged to enhance military cooperation, including joint exercises and patrols, to counter perceived threats from Washington.

In Harbin, Putin underscored the historical and cultural connections between Russia and China, announcing a joint educational initiative between Harbin Institute of Technology and St. Petersburg State University. He also emphasized the importance of Russia-China cooperation in technological development and energy security.

While the visit showcased the solidarity between the two nations, it also underscored the complexities of their relationship. Despite the strong rhetoric, few concrete deals were announced, including the much-anticipated “Power of Siberia 2” gas pipeline project.

Western leaders, particularly in the U.S., downplayed the significance of the meeting, citing a lack of deep trust between the two countries. However, experts note that the growing partnership between China and Russia serves as a reminder of their ability to defy Western influence and pursue their own strategic interests.

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