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Peru Classifies Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex People as ‘Mentally Ill’

Peru Classifies Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex People as 'Mentally Ill'

The Peruvian government has made an official decision to label transgender, nonbinary, and intersex individuals as “mentally ill.”

This decision, announced by the country’s Ministry of Health, aims to ensure that public health services can provide comprehensive mental health care for the transgender community.

Additionally, the classification includes “dual-role transvestitism,” “fetishistic transvestitism,” and other gender identity disorders under the same category of mental illness.

The new law will change language in the Essential Health Insurance Plan (PEAS) to reflect the view of trans and intersex people as a mental health disorder.

Trans groups across Peru have loudly condemned the decision as a step backwards for the country’s already complex relationship with LGBTQ+ rights.

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