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China’s Military Drills Test Taiwan’s Defense Readiness Amid Rising Tensions

China's Military Drills Test Taiwan's Defense Readiness Amid Rising Tensions

China recently concluded a two-day military exercise, deploying significant air and naval assets around Taiwan. This exercise, seen as a response to Taiwan’s new president, focused on various combat scenarios, including sea-air combat and precision strikes. Analysts noted that this exercise, the third in a series since August 2022, was closer to Taiwan and involved new elements like coast guard vessels patrolling near Taiwanese outlying islands.

The drills simulated potential invasion scenarios, aiming to test Taiwan’s defense capabilities and intimidate its government. Experts highlighted vulnerabilities in Taiwan’s defense posture, particularly concerning its outlying islands and eastern naval bases. They emphasized the need for Taiwan to bolster its defenses, including acquiring longer-range anti-ship missiles.

Meanwhile, Beijing’s propaganda efforts, coupled with military maneuvers, aim to undermine Taiwanese morale and unity. Despite these pressures, Taiwan remains resilient, with its government condemning China’s actions while assuring its ability to safeguard national security.

As tensions persist, China’s military exercises serve broader political goals, seeking to influence Taiwan’s narrative and exacerbate internal divisions. This coercive strategy underscores Beijing’s determination to assert control over Taiwan, heightening concerns over regional stability.

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