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Amber Rose Sparks Controversy with Trump Endorsement

Amber Rose Sparks Controversy with Trump Endorsement

Model and activist Amber Rose stirred up controversy recently by publicly endorsing former President Donald Trump for another presidential run.

Taking to Instagram, Rose shared a photo of herself with Trump and Melania Trump, expressing her support for Trump’s potential 2024 campaign.

However, her endorsement faced criticism, with many pointing out the stark contrast between Trump’s political positions and Rose’s own beliefs. As a vocal advocate for women’s rights, Rose is known for founding the SlutWalk protest against rape culture, slut shaming, and victim blaming.

Some of Rose’s followers questioned her endorsement, highlighting Trump’s stance against LGBTQ+ rights and his support for state control over women’s reproductive health decisions.

Another follower wrote, “Lol I better never see you speak on women’s rights again!!” A third wrote, “He’s against everything I thought YOU believed in?! LGBTQA Women’s rights! The list goes on super disappointing.”

Several others declared they were unfollowing Amber over the update. She has now disabled comments on her IG post.

Amber’s endorsement of Trump is a complete departure from her prior public feelings about the former President. She had slammed Trump on a number of occasions, including his stance on “locker room banter.” Prior to his election in 2016, Amber declared she’d leave the country if Trump became president but didn’t follow through on that in the end.

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