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Oscar Pistorius Released on Parole Nearly 11 Years After Tragic Shooting of Reeva Steenkamp

Oscar Pistorius Released on Parole Nearly 11 Years After Tragic Shooting of Reeva Steenkamp

Former Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius has been released on parole from the Atteridgeville Correctional Centre in Pretoria, South Africa, nearly 11 years after the fatal shooting of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine’s Day in 2013. Pistorius, dubbed the “Blade Runner” for his carbon-fiber prosthetic legs, served almost nine years of his 13-year and five-month sentence.

The release occurred quietly, with Pistorius leaving the facility under strict parole conditions. These conditions, set to continue until December 2029, include anger management courses and programs on gender-based violence. Reeva Steenkamp’s mother, June, stated that the parole conditions send a clear message about the seriousness of gender-based violence.

Serious offenders in South Africa are eligible for parole after serving at least half their sentence. Pistorius, now 37, is expected to reside at his uncle’s mansion in Pretoria, under strict limitations on leaving his home, abstaining from alcohol, and regular meetings with parole officials. He is also barred from speaking to the media.

Despite Pistorius’s maintained claim that he shot Steenkamp by mistake, her family has expressed doubts about his rehabilitation. The tragic event unfolded as Pistorius’s once-inspiring career journeyed from a Paralympic champion sprinter to a convicted killer.

In a related development, recent revelations about Pistorius’s connection to Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane have added another layer of complexity to the unfolding narrative. Flight logs indicate that Pistorius was among those who flew to Epstein’s private island, raising disturbing questions about the extent of Epstein’s influence.

As Oscar Pistorius re-enters society under parole, the tragic legacy of Reeva Steenkamp persists, and her mother, June, focuses on combating domestic violence through the Reeva Rebecca Steenkamp Foundation. The release marks a significant chapter in Pistorius’s tumultuous journey, underscoring the challenges of justice, rehabilitation, and the shadows that linger beyond the spotlight.

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