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Tinubu Suspends NSIPA Coordinator Halima Shehu for Financial Misappropriation

Tinubu Suspends NSIPA Coordinator Halima Shehu for Financial Misappropriation

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has taken decisive action against Halima Shehu, the national coordinator of the National Social Investment Programme Agency (NSIPA), by suspending her due to allegations of financial misappropriation.

This move comes only two months after Shehu received confirmation from the Senate as the national coordinator of NSIPA, making it a swift and unexpected development in her tenure.

The suspension indicates President Tinubu’s commitment to ensuring transparency and accountability within government agencies. The decision reflects a zero-tolerance approach towards financial impropriety, emphasizing the importance of upholding ethical standards in public service.

As the details of the alleged financial misappropriation unfold, the suspension serves as a reminder that all public officials are accountable for their actions, regardless of their positions or recent appointments. President Tinubu’s administration remains committed to maintaining the integrity of government institutions and fostering public trust.

The swift action against Shehu underlines the administration’s dedication to addressing issues promptly and ensuring that public officials adhere to the highest standards of conduct in serving the Nigerian people. The coming days may shed more light on the specifics of the allegations and any subsequent investigations.

With the suspension and investigation into the allegations, Dr Akindele Egbuwalo, the National N-POWER Program Manager, has been appointed in an acting capacity as NC/CEO pending the conclusion of the investigation.

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