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Nigerian Doctor Receives Heartfelt Letter from Patient Before Her Passing

Nigerian Doctor Receives Heartfelt Letter from Patient Before Her Passing

Dr. Donald Aniekwe, a compassionate Nigerian doctor, recently shared a heartwarming letter from one of his patients who bravely fought cancer until her final moments.

In the poignant letter, the patient, affectionately referred to as Sister Grace, expressed her gratitude to Dr. Aniekwe for his kindness and support throughout her challenging journey with the terminal illness. The touching note stands as a testament to the meaningful connections that often form between healthcare providers and their patients during difficult times.

‘’I lost a patient a recently, she gave her sister this letter to give me before she passed.

This profession, this profession! This life!

She’d always talk to me about God and about Grace, She’d always pray for me. I began to call her sister Grace. She liked the name.”

Nigerian Doctor Receives Heartfelt Letter from Patient Before Her Passing
Nigerian Doctor Receives Heartfelt Letter from Patient Before Her Passing

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