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98,000 Persons Are Living With HIV/AIDS – Anambra State AIDS Control Agency

98,000 Persons Are Living With HIV/AIDS - Anambra State AIDS Control Agency

The Anambra State AIDS Control Agency and the Ministry of Health in the state have revealed that a total of 98,960 individuals are currently living with HIV/AIDS.

During a media briefing in Awka on Thursday, the Commissioner for Health, Afam Obidike, shared these statistics in anticipation of the upcoming World AIDS Day, observed annually on December 1.

Obidike further highlighted that the state is making significant strides in achieving the Global 95-95-95 targets, especially after being ranked as the fifth highest in the country. This indicates positive progress and commitment to addressing the challenges posed by HIV/AIDS in Anambra State.

He said, “With the national prevalence of 1.4 per cent, our state HIV prevalence is ranked fifth highest in the country and the highest in the South-East.

It is estimated that 98,960 residents are living with HIV out of which 58 per cent know their status and 44,808 are currently on treatment.

“The state is making the needed progress towards attainment of the Global 95-95-95 targets of which we are at 65:81:93.

“And worthy of note is the gradual decline in new infections which is at 46 per cent between 2021 and 2023 and AIDS-related death which is at 32 percent between 2021 and 2023./

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