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Rolene Strauss Opens Up About Her Experience with HIV Treatment

Rolene Strauss Opens Up About Her Experience with HIV Treatment

Rolene Strauss, former Miss South Africa and Miss World, shared a deeply personal story about her experience with HIV exposure on Instagram. Strauss, who is a mother of two boys and currently pregnant with her third child, recounted how she came into contact with the virus after the birth of her first son in 2017.

While completing her medical studies and treating a patient at a hospital, Strauss was exposed to HIV. At the time, she was breastfeeding her son, which added to her concerns. She immediately started post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), a treatment that involves taking HIV medications within 72 hours of potential exposure to prevent infection.

Reflecting on the incident, Strauss said, “Even as a medical student, I had numerous questions and fears running through my mind about the implications for both myself and my baby.”

Strauss’s experience has deepened her understanding of the connection between maternal health and child well-being. She emphasized this point by joining the #ForeverWena campaign, which aims to educate people about HIV and sexual health. The campaign encourages open and factual discussions about healthy sexual behavior and choices.

In her Instagram post, Strauss stresed the importance of empowering mothers to prioritize their health as a crucial part of protecting their children’s future. She stated, “Motherhood begins long before the first cuddle, pregnancy, or even conception. It starts with the health choices we make for ourselves.”

Strauss’s story underscores the progress in HIV treatment and prevention, while also addressing the ongoing social stigma that makes it challenging for those diagnosed with or living with HIV. Through her advocacy and personal experience, she aims to raise awareness and support for others facing similar situations.

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