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I won’t reveal my political choice again – Actress Toyin Abraham Vows Political Privacy After Public Exchange on Tinubu Affiliation

I won’t reveal my political choice again – Actress Toyin Abraham Vows Political Privacy After Public Exchange on Tinubu Affiliation

Nollywood star Toyin Abraham recently announced her decision to keep her political preferences private in the future, following a social media exchange on platform X where she disclosed past interactions with politician Bola Tinubu during the 2023 elections.

The conversation began when a user, Otunba (@ManLikeIcey), requested insight into Tinubu’s plans discussed with Abraham during the campaign. Responding politely, Abraham shared that she had been assured of “good governance and happiness for everyone” by Tinubu’s team.

However, Abraham expressed concerns about facing backlash if these promises didn’t come to fruition, referencing her past experience of being bullied for her political choices. Reflecting on her decision, she emphasized focusing on her personal life and career instead of engaging in politics.

This exchange marked a shift for Abraham, who had openly endorsed Tinubu in 2023, citing his positive impact on her industry. However, her public support led to criticism, prompting her to reevaluate her approach to political involvement.

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