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Deyemi Okanlawon Credits Pastor Jimmy Odukoya for his Fitness Journey

Deyemi Okanlawon Credits Pastor Jimmy Odukoya for his Fitness Journey

Nollywood actor Deyemi Okanlawon has credited his friend Pastor Jimmy Odukoya for inspiring him to take his fitness journey more seriously.

In a recent interview on the King of Talks podcast with Teju Babyface, Okanlawon shared how Pastor Odukoya’s influence shifted his perspective on fitness.

Previously, Okanlawon’s fitness goals were driven by the need to meet specific physical requirements for movie roles. However, Pastor Odukoya encouraged him to prioritize overall fitness and being ready at all times.

“A year ago, I decided that I wanted to be ready and fit all the time. One of my best friends convinced me, you probably know him, and now I’m forced to add ‘pastor’ to his name,” Okanlawon said.

“Pastor Jimi Odukoya is a gym buff, and we used to work out together before he became the senior pastor, and he just inspired me to look a certain kind of way, to be strong, fit, and healthy. So there is nothing I do that is primarily to become a ‘chick magnet,'” he added.

Okanlawon explained that his new fitness regimen not only works for him personally but also benefits his career as an actor.

“An actor is essentially his voice, emotions, and body, and for me to be where I want to be, all these things come together. If I had a film coming up and I knew that there was going to be some showing of skin, I used to go hard for two or three months. Then one year later, I wouldn’t even go near a gym. Now, I’m healthy, and it works for the films too,” he shared.

The actor highlighted how Pastor Odukoya’s guidance helped him maintain a consistent approach to fitness beyond temporary needs for specific movie roles.

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