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Adele Reveals Desire for Baby Girl with Boyfriend Rich Paul After Las Vegas Show

Adele Reveals Desire for Baby Girl with Boyfriend Rich Paul After Las Vegas Show

Adele recently shared some exciting news during her Las Vegas performance. She expressed her desire to have a baby girl with her boyfriend, Rich Paul.

After finishing her residency in Las Vegas, Adele plans to prioritize expanding her family with Rich Paul. With a son from her previous marriage, Adele is now hoping for a daughter to bring some balance to her family. She said;

“I feel like she might be like the person I love the most in the world, but also probably hate the most in the world. That is what I feel will happen. She’s going to put me in my place all the time, isn’t she?”

Adele also said that with Rich’s head-strong personality and her own sassiness, their daughter would be a bossy little queen.

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