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Peter Obi Engages with Atiku, Lamido, Saraki in Strategic Political Meetings

Peter Obi Engages with Atiku, Lamido, Saraki in Strategic Political Meetings

Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) in the 2023 election, held significant discussions with prominent political figures Atiku Abubakar, Bukola Saraki, and Sule Lamido in separate meetings.

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar shared photos of his meeting with Obi on social media, expressing honor and privilege in hosting him.

The LP presidential campaign spokesman, Tanko Yunusa, highlighted that Obi’s visits were driven by concerns about the nation’s state, particularly focusing on reducing the suffering of Nigerians, especially the underprivileged and downtrodden.

Discussions centered on addressing the challenges in northern Nigeria and improving conditions for all citizens, regardless of class or location.

Peter Obi, who served as Atiku’s running mate in the 2019 presidential election under the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), recently joined the Labour Party (LP) for the 2023 poll.

Atiku, who ran for president under the PDP in 2023, hosted Obi as part of a strategic move ahead of the 2027 general election, hinting at potential political realignments. Despite their previous alliance under the PDP, Obi’s shift to the LP reflects evolving political dynamics in Nigeria’s landscape.

The outcome of these meetings was not disclosed publicly, but the engagements underscore a shift in political relationships and alignments as the nation prepares for future elections.

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