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Governor Otti Announces Completion of 90 Road Projects in Abia State Within a Year

Governor Otti Announces Completion of 90 Road Projects in Abia State Within a Year

Abia State Governor, Dr. Alex Otti, announced that his administration has completed the reconstruction of 90 roads since he took office.

During his monthly media chat, “Governor Alex Otti Speaks to Abians,” he stated, “Our Ministry of Works completed all 90 roads by direct labor, fitting some into our Zero Pothole Policy.”

He added, “We have reconstructed, rebuilt, and inaugurated 16 roads. We are currently working on another 16 roads, totaling about 165 kilometers across different senatorial districts.”

Governor Otti also mentioned that the state government had awarded the long-abandoned and challenging Ohanku Road, which is crucial for connecting various settlements in Aba. He noted that they would use rigid pavement technology for its reconstruction.

“For those who have visited the area, I am sure that you would confirm that work has started on the road, so also a few other roads in Aba.

“We are very strategic about roads because we believe very strongly that access is key to a thriving economy.

“We have a plan to touch every road in every Local Government in the next 12 months.

“At the moment, we are compiling a list of the strategic roads that we will take on as we go into our second year,” he said.

Otti said that plans were underway to secure virement from the 2024 budget for road construction, because “it appears that we are running faster than our budget on roads”.

He said that this would enable the government to have enough money to work on more roads and give access to different communities in the state.

“The most important thing is that we are moving in the right direction,” he said.

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