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Ghanaian Chef Arrested for Forging Guinness World Record

Ghanaian chef Ebenezer Smith, also known as Millennium Chef Smith, has been arrested for forging a Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon.

Smith held a press conference at La Palm Royal Beach Hotel in Accra on Tuesday, claiming he had set a new record with an 820-hour, 25-minute cook-a-thon from February 1 to March 6, 2024. He presented a certificate to his fans, announcing himself as the new world record holder.

During the event, which featured performances from popular artists like Praye Tietia and Yaw Tog, Smith stated, “I am incredibly humbled and honoured to stand before you today as the Guinness World Record holder.”

However, Alina Polianskaya, PR Executive for Guinness World Records (GWR), confirmed to BBC that Smith’s certificate was fake and that he does not hold the record. The true record for the longest cooking marathon is 119 hours and 57 minutes, held by Irish chef Alan Fisher since October 2023.

Following the press conference, Smith was arrested by police. Reports indicate that he had obtained significant sponsorship funds for his fake record attempt, including 350,000 cedis from a major sponsor, Amadia Shopping Mall.

Attempts to reach the La Police Station for comment were unsuccessful. Smith’s lawyer, Kofi Awoonor, stated that the arrest was related to a disagreement with the cook-a-thon’s lead sponsor.

The incident has sparked controversy, with calls for the chef and his management to clarify the situation.

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