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Tragic Incident at Ajayi Crowther University: Student Beaten to Death Over Alleged Phone Theft

Tragic Incident at Ajayi Crowther University: Student Beaten to Death Over Alleged Phone Theft

A distressing incident occurred at Ajayi Crowther University (ACU) in Oyo State, where a student lost his life after being brutally beaten by his peers. The unfortunate incident stemmed from an accusation of the student stealing a mobile phone.

According to reports, the assault began around 10 p.m. on Friday when fellow students discovered that the victim was allegedly responsible for the theft of the phone and transferring funds from it to another account. Disturbing video clips circulating online captured the violent assault, with one student seen striking the victim while he lay on the ground.

Tragically, the victim was found dead the following morning after being ejected from the hostel. The school authorities swiftly responded by expelling the students implicated in the altercation leading to the death.

In response to circulating rumors of cult involvement, the university’s Public Relations Officer clarified that there was no evidence of such activities on campus. Instead, the incident was attributed to an alleged case of phone theft by the deceased.

The university promptly cooperated with law enforcement, handing over all involved students for investigation. While the hostel porter has been suspended for dereliction of duty, investigations are ongoing to ascertain the full extent of the assailants’ involvement.

This heartbreaking incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining a safe and peaceful environment within educational institutions, and the university reaffirmed its commitment to upholding these standards.

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